Monday, February 16, 2015

Using Flubaroo to Grade a Google Form Assignment

I love the idea of using google forms as a method of assessment.  There are so many possibilities for types of answers and students can edit a form themselves to come up with their own questions.  One downfall to using google forms rather than Kahoot or Socrative was that I wouldn't get the instant feedback with my students' results.  To me, this is one powerful piece of using technology in the classroom.  You can have student results at your fingertips and use those results to make adaptations to meet the needs of students.

When I read this article about Flubaroo on freetech4teachers, I was excited.  Flubaroo is a tool that teachers can use to grade online assignments.  Here are the steps to follow in order to use Flubaroo in combination with google sheets results from a google form.

1.  Go to and click "Try it now."  You will need to be logged into whatever google account you want flubaroo to be added to.  Then click the button that says + free.

2.  After students have taken a google forms quiz, you will be able to view their results in google sheets.  Make sure that when you write your google forms quiz, you have a question that has the student write their name so you can later identify their results.  When you are viewing results, go to add-ons and select Flubaroo and grade assignment.

3.  Flubaroo will prompt you to choose how many points each question is worth.

4. You will have to choose one submission as the answer key.  My answer key was under the name "Charissa."  

5. When the grading is complete, you will be able to view results in a spreadsheet format.

And there you go!  I know there is an option to email scores to students, but my students don't log into their email accounts yet, so I haven't figured that out yet. 


  1. Great stuff. Thank you for adding it to our repertoire of ideas and apps.

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate that you took the time to take screenshots of your process. Sometimes I begin a task and get frustrated in figuring it all out on my own. Thanks for the "Show AND Tell" :)
