Saturday, March 19, 2016

I now get asked daily if we are going to do a new breakout.  My students have LOVED our first breakout edu game, Custodian Games.  Here is a quick video of them having a blast! A few tips I would share for future breakout games:
1. Explain the different types of locks before starting if students haven't played Breakout EDU before.
2. Encourage teamwork and set the expectation that everyone should be helpful to each other, or the game won't work.
3. Each student can use a worksheet to show that everyone is participating. The worksheet provides space for work and to write the codes.
4. Set a procedure for how students will show that they are ready to try a lock. It is important that students have actually worked to find an idea for their code, even if it isn't correct.
5. Step back and let the students do the thinking! This is the hardest for me!
6. At the end, spend time reflecting on the experience with students. What went well? What was challenging? What ideas do students have for next time?